Sunday, May 2, 2010


I just wanted to remind everyone that we need to be praying for our troops.  We also need to remember there families as there love ones fight to protect the freedoms of this great country.  Please remember the fallin heros who gave all for the freedom of this country.  We need to stand up to all that try to transform this country into a socialist state like Europe.  Remember the Flounding Fathers were for the independence of individual rights and freedom for the poor, down trodden and the rich even.  So take time to remember the fallen heros and   why the scarifices were made for the freedom we all share today.  Then I beg you to read History and find out what this country was really founded for.  Please don't take our freedoms for granted.

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

Thank you so much for reminding us. Sometimes we get so involved in other prayers and problems of our own we forget.
